Choose wisely, Your kids depend on it.
This morning I was listening to political commentator/talkshow host Glenn Beck ( ) and something he talked about totally blew me away. ABC News received a 72-minute tape of a former US citizen who is now an Islamic extremist (that is a whole different topic) telling that there is going to be another terrorist attack that will "dwarf" the 9/11 attacks and "the streets will oerflow with rivers of American blood." Mr. Beck's response was that if John Kerry and John Boy Edwards are elected that this WILL happen, whereas if Dubya and Cheney win they will work their damnedest to make it not happen.
Those of you who have kids, think about this....
If you were at work and you received a call saying that your mother or father died and you had to come right away. A plane ticket was waiting for you at the airport and you had to get it within the half hour. You couldn't bring your kids right away, so you decided to call your neighbors. Your neighbors to one side were George and Laura Bush and the neighbors to the other side were John and Theresa Kerry-Heinz, who would you trust with your kids??? Would you trust someone with morals?? OR would you trust someone with NO concept of morals??? John Kerry does not believe in black and white.
When asked about abortion John Kerry said something pretty much to the effect of "It doesn't really matter." With the topic of abortion there are two choices or beliefs for a woman to hold. Either it is a tumor the woman has the right to remove or it is a human being and therefore a life that they don't have the right to kill. Either way there is black and white. If it is a tumor there is a black and white to that. Or if it is a life there is a black and white to that.
Lovvens, Peace out, and such,
*grins wickedly*
PS DONT FORGET TO VOTE ON TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!