Why was I trolled for the crackhead incident?
Okay, some of you read Danny Bassette's article Link
and the comment about "crackheads" that I made.
I must admit, if someone was so offended that they "trolled" me, then I have no choice but to say I'm sorry. I never meant to do that. Okay.
I have a sense of humor that no one but my family and best friends seem to understand. In my family the term "freak" is a term of endearment. As in: "Good-night, Freak. I love you, Freak. Could you get that for me Freak? Have a good night at work, Freak."
Among my friends the term crackhead is fun. As in: "Where the f^%$ have you been you crackhead? You seriously need to call me, crackhead." The truth is that none of us are crackheads. If we were to call each other alcoholics or drunks, then it wouldn't be in fun. I have never come across someone who gets offended by this unless they have either low self esteem or are really whatever you jokingly call them.
I wouldn't ever go up to my alcoholic drug-addicted CRACK-ADDICTED aunt and say, "wassup crackhead." or to a prostitute and say, "hey ho."
I wouldn't go up to a mentally retarded person and say, "hey retard."
I realize I don't know some of you very well, but I don't think any of us are really crackheads or crackwhores.
If I offended you because you really are:
*grins wickedly*