Why was I trolled for the crackhead incident?
Published on November 18, 2004 By grins wickedly In Blogging
Okay, some of you read Danny Bassette's article Link
and the comment about "crackheads" that I made.

I must admit, if someone was so offended that they "trolled" me, then I have no choice but to say I'm sorry. I never meant to do that. Okay.

I have a sense of humor that no one but my family and best friends seem to understand. In my family the term "freak" is a term of endearment. As in: "Good-night, Freak. I love you, Freak. Could you get that for me Freak? Have a good night at work, Freak."

Among my friends the term crackhead is fun. As in: "Where the f^%$ have you been you crackhead? You seriously need to call me, crackhead." The truth is that none of us are crackheads. If we were to call each other alcoholics or drunks, then it wouldn't be in fun. I have never come across someone who gets offended by this unless they have either low self esteem or are really whatever you jokingly call them.

I wouldn't ever go up to my alcoholic drug-addicted CRACK-ADDICTED aunt and say, "wassup crackhead." or to a prostitute and say, "hey ho."

I wouldn't go up to a mentally retarded person and say, "hey retard."

I realize I don't know some of you very well, but I don't think any of us are really crackheads or crackwhores.

If I offended you because you really are:


*grins wickedly*

on Nov 18, 2004
I must admit, if someone was so offended that they "trolled" me, then I have no choice but to say I'm sorry.

"I'm sorry if I offended someone" is not an apology.

If I offended you because you really are:


THAT is not an apology.

on Nov 18, 2004
Why are you getting so defensive? I said I'm sorry like five times already.

"I'm sorry if I offended someone"

is not what I said.

I said, "If someone was so offended that they "trolled me, then I have no choice but to say I'm sorry."

God, you're worse than the busdriver who held one fricking comment against me for three weeks.
on Nov 18, 2004
God, you're worse than the busdriver who held one fricking comment against me for three weeks.

Hmmmm . . . these two incidents have something in common . . . *hint* what they have in common isn't me . . .
on Nov 18, 2004
I don't mean this to sound rude at all. So I apologise if it comes across that way.

Your crackheads comment I understand you may not have meant in an offensive way, but having read it I do see why people found it offensive, and I agree with Texas this isn't a real apology. You don't HAVE to apologise because someone trolled you. You should only apologise if you think you are in the wrong, and I don't think you do. I could be wrong though.
on Nov 18, 2004
Okay, for all of you who don't seem to get it.......


means I am f*$%ing sorry!!!

If you can't accept it for what it is, then that is your problem. Accept it, I don't say it that often.
on Nov 18, 2004
Get it right, Tex is a points whore, not a crackwhore.

careful she might troll you.

on Nov 18, 2004
HA! I trolled you again, grins! How ya like them apples?

Did you get my email, little whip?
on Nov 18, 2004
Tex do you have nothing better to do than press some lameass mouse button? Seriously.

"If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I would have farted."--written on the bathroom wall at my workplace.
on Nov 18, 2004
grins, Tex wouldnt troll me, even if i deserved it....which i admit i have at times.

He he he . . . I'm not the monster you think I am, grins.

Simon is due home any moment, and will commandeer the machine to "go kill shit" for a few hours to unwind from work...lol. ( He Plays DOOM 3)

Adrian's the same way . . . particularly right now. I just sent him two new games so he'll have plenty of new "shit to kill".

on Nov 18, 2004
Tex do you have nothing better to do than press some lameass mouse button? Seriously.

Nope. Nothing better to do. Though I'm out of trollings for today, so you're safe for now. Muahahahahahahahaha!

just checked and no i havent......send again...try our other addy maybe? Pearlcaster@hotmail.com

I'll do that.
on Nov 18, 2004
He he he . . . I'm not the monster you think I am, grins.

Texas Wahine is the farthest thing away from a monster as could possibly be imagined... anyone that thinks otherwise is mentally deranged. Just saying that...don't like it when sweet people like Texas are crapped on by ignorant massed minds. Gonna stay out of it from here on out...
on Nov 18, 2004
thanks a lot heather, as a reformed addict, i really enjoyed that fuckin link. not.

theres nothing funny about crack. nothing at all.

I am sorry little whip. I would never want to offend you. Please forgive and I will remove the post.
on Nov 18, 2004
iamheather: What a wonderful thing to do. That speaks volumes about your character.

little whip & silver: Thanks. I am touched.
on Nov 18, 2004
iamheather: What a wonderful thing to do. That speaks volumes about your character.

Thanks, I only hope Little Whip sees it
on Nov 19, 2004
i wanted to reassure you no offense was taken, it just kinda freaked me out there for a minute!

Thank you and again I apologize.